The kids always assume we go "there" (there being the blue-yellow furniture giant that shall remain nameless) for them. But it's really for all of us. (Haha, good ploy.) I love that picture of J. (This is him trying very hard to keep a straight face for the camera. Unsuccessfully. That man rarely keeps a straight face, which is why I love him).
I feel like I owe you an explanation. I said a dramatic goodbye two months ago, and now I act like nothing has ever happened (I am pretty good at that, the acting like nothing's ever happened). Truth is, I felt exhausted. I haven't slept properly in what feels like ages. I simply didn't have the time then, and I didn't feel very inspired, to blog.
It's better now because J is on vacation, and he takes care of the kids in the morning, so I can sleep in a bit. He also takes care of them throughout most of the day, and cooks, and cleans, and is generally being a very good housewifey (don't tell him I called him that in public), so I can rest. I feel like a human, not just a worn-down robot, again (look, I even carry my camera places!). I think I have time to blog again (on some days more, ergo today, and on some days less). I won't have much time to read blogs, however, so forgive me if I don't come visit as often.
Okay, enough with the blah-blah: I'll blog when I have time, and won't feel bad when I don't.
Indeed great picture of J.
(glad to have you back)
xo :)
Oh Isa I thought you ended your blog, welcome back !
I have to comment (not to do with anything much) but I love LOVE the stockings fe has! I saw them in the last post already and now in this. It's a bit funny how I pay notice so different now to childrens clothing once I have my own. But anywho they are super cool and pretty!
Well, look who's back ;-)
But I totally understand. There are days I feel like throwing in the towel more or less instantly. But fortunately I have never acted on the spur of the moment as the day after I feel like blogging again :-D
Anyway, lovely to have you back.
As for me I changed from Blogger to wordpress and unfortunately for you I've been blogging in Estonaina only. BUT, you're always welcome to treat yourself to some swissy photos ;-)
Have a wonderful New Year's Eve, don't forget your New Year Resolutions and till next time.
How lovely to hear from some familiar "screen faces". I'm glad I am back. :)
Merja, the stockings are from H&M. They were on sale for 5 Eur a few days ago. Maybe they still have them? (And I know what you mean, about noticing kids clothes after you have them. Before I had any, it was just "little buggers with runny noses." :D
Hey, Isa!
ich habe grade entdeckt, dass Du wieder da bist - und kann es gar nicht so richtig in Worte fassen, wie sehr Du mir gefehlt hast. "Blogland" war nicht mehr dasselbe ohne Dich.
Aber jetzt bist Du wieder da, freu freu freu!
Fehlende Zeit kann ich nur allzugut nachvollziehen, aber so gar nichts zu hören war fast ein bisschen wie nichts mehr von einer Freundin zu hören oder Streit zu haben...
Ich freu m ich still, wieder manchmal nach Finnland zu blicken.
Annabella, wie lieb von dir.. :) Ich freue mich auch, wieder da zu sein. Doe Pause brauchte ich, und jetzt bin ich wieder mit Elan dabei! Ein schones Neues Jahr wuensche ich!
Nice to hear that you'll continue posting things sometimes. And nice that you feel better now and it's holiday time! We're also taking it easy here. Families should always have a chance to spend whole days together!
Heini, yes!
So sollte es sein!
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