It's nowhere near finished yet, but I thought I'd share some pictures of the Miss's new room. She loves it (which is the main thing)! I'll upload more in the next few weeks, as I am going along.
Here is a view into her old room. (Yes, I painted the blue bed white. Which was a pain!)
Those very cool ABC cards are by heli.
Cool! I love the star lights and the lacy canopy and especially the window seat. But I gotta say, I really liked the blue bed! It actually inspired me to paint Isobel's white bed blue (which, yes, was a huge pain- but worth it in the end).
Haha, I do have a spot for the blue bed, too. But it didn't fit my new plan. I always tire of colored furniture after a few months, so I decided white was going to be the safest. Which is lame, I know. I did consider painting it yellow or orange, but J didn't go for it. At all. So white it is.
But I'm still working on a few pops of color and a coolness factor, like a crocheted bedspread. :)
oh what a cute nursery! I believe we have the same dresser for our girls too, what would we do without the global IKEA, heh, heh. Although, mine is green,I just finished painted it. I'll post some pics on my blog soon.
But just like the comment above...I did love the bed in blue.
I agree with Christina, I liked the blue bed very much, but right, white fits better now :)
love this room! She is adorable. thecoolkidsblog.com
Liebe Isa,
ich habe über snygg zu dir gefunden und bin ganz begeistert von deiner schönen Seite. Sie ist so liebevoll, leicht und bunt.
Das Kinderzimmer deiner Großen gefällt mir sehr.
Liebe Grüße, Nadine
I love the matching whale/cushions!
We're in the process of transitioning the girls' room into being 4. Hope to share soon. It just never seems 'done' but I guess that is good...
Ja auch ich finde es ist sehr schön geworden, kein Wunder das Fee sich dort wohlfühlt. Die Karten von Heli finde ich super! Gruß und Kuß
That little whale is the cutest! What a great room.
Liebe Isa,
ich habe dir gerade über Nadine (herz-allerliebst) entdeckt und ich bin restlos begeistert. So schöne Dinge zeigst du....und noch so schön fotografiert.
Deine zwei Kinder sind zuckersüss.
I like especially your curtains on Fe's bed and watching her character :) Unfortunately I missed ordering those fancy cards!
oh, i can't wait to see the final product!!!
I loved the blue bed too but it is always nice to have a change. Fe looks like she loves it!
A little award fro you over at mine.
Have a great weekend.
Tracey x
oh isa,
ich hatte noch den stand, dass du aufgehört hast zu bloggen ... und nun bin ich über snygg mal wieder bei dir gelandet und sehe - DU BLOGST!!!
ich habe deine bilder immer geliebt, und deine ideen, und deine gedanken, und deine texte, und ... jetzt bin ich irgednwie richtig froh, dass du zurück bist!
gruß aus germany,
saskia, ohne blog - keine zeit ;-)
I love this room, so pretty! =)
how lovely! and the cards too!
wow! I had no idea you were back to blogging. Looks like I have some catching up to do.
I love everything in Fé's room. You have such a good taste. Have you ever thought about being an interior designer of kids room?
Just discovered your blog and I am sooooo amazed! Beautiful pictures!! Hope you find it OK when I share your blog and some pictures of your girls' room on our small blog!
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