Did I tell you? Sisi is off the breast ever since I went to Stockholm (oh the bliss!). Finally. I think I
deserve a round of applause. In other news: While Sisi sleeps like a baby now, Fe has stopped sleeping
altogether, basically. She was up from 1 to 3 am last night and woke up at 6 am (WHAT?! WHY? What's
with motherhood and sleeplessness and will it ever STOP?!)
So. I figured we needed some superhuman strength to get us through our day. I dug out some fabric
leftovers and this ugly ribbon and some felt pieces, had the kids sit in front of the TV (yes I did and
it was great!), and made these capes for them. No sew, of course. It took me less than an hour.
And it helped! Clad in the alter ego of Supermessy (I think she meant Supermissy but I can't be sure),
tired out Fe stopped the whining, and started doing all kinds of things for me, the poor mother victim.
Like entertaining Sisi (almost) all day long. And checking in every 20 minutes or so to keep me from
drowning and/or being kidnapped by pirates. Awesome.
Maybe I should dress up as some sort of super woman every day. To help me feel the power. I'd be a
super-speedy shape-shifter, with the ability to be in many places at the same time.
What's your superpower? ;)
PS This
wedding... so happy.