1. Moustache pillow 2. FEST kussen 3. Hills #1 4. Cuddly Cloud 5. Button cushion (on sale!) 6. Remix cushion
7. Mono Cat 8. Marimekko Pienet Kivet 9. Little geometry 10. Horse
I'm dreaming of some new pillows for our blaaaah couch. I love the IKEA Stockholm ones we have, but I need some
new ones to compliment them. Any advice? Where do you buy your pillows? If only I were more skilled at sewing!
Wouldn't it just be so easy to make the perfect kind yourself! Maybe I will, ha!

Love them! All! Have you tried Envelop? I think I've seen the green mountains one there, but your link led to the designer's own shop (?) I always find too many that I like there... :)
thanks, Sara! Will go check it out as soon as Sisi naps! :D
huhuuu... mensch sieht das gemütlich aus bei dir! und die kissen sind alle richtig toll. weiß welches deiner sofalandschaft klasse stehen würde!?!? das von julia - "paradiseisnow" - kuck mal auf ihrem geilen blog: www.philuko.blogspot.com
lieb grüß dani
I love a cushion or 2 and have found so many great ones on ETSY. The hard part is finding "the one" but I love the ones you have posted!!
alle wunderschön, aber das erste und siebte gefallen mir besonders gut! liebe grüße
Wunderbare Kissensammlung! Meine Favoriten: Nr. 1, 4und 8.
Herzliche Grüße,
i think a pillow case is probably the easiest thing to sew. you can do it! go to the nearest marimekko and buy some lovely fabrics. easy peasy.
Ich habe auch gerade neue Kissenbezüge in Arbeit. Es ist ganz ganz leicht, welche zu nähen, geht ohne Reißverschluss und alles! Du findest sicher ein einfaches Tutorial (vielleicht mach ich auch mal eines...)
LG Steffi
P.S.: Für den Katzenpolster würde meine Tochter so einiges geben....
Oh, das sieht doch schon perfekt aus! Ich nähe meine Kissen alle selber, im Kamikazestil, ohne Schnitt und nur mit Augenmaß - dazu braucht man nicht viel können :-)
muss nur kurz los werden, dass ich mich eben wie bolle über deinen kommentar gefreut hab. soooo nett von dir!
:) dani
I like the green one best. I totally agree with Heli, plus sewing pillow covers is extremely rewarding as they are so quick to make. Go for it!
i love hills #1 !
by the way, you don't have to sew pillows. the internet is full of no-sew-pillow-diys. the secret is: steam a seam! haven't tried it yet but seems quite easy!
And if, for some strange case, sewing a pillowcase would turn out to be horrible and just a mess (i doubt this, hear heli: you can do it!), you can bring the fabrics of your dreams to me, and i sew them as pillowcases.
Really. And now i wonder why haven´t i been sewing pillowcass for us more!
Number 2 and 7 are my favs.
I love the green one!
Mostly, I make them myself. It's not difficult and you can find so many fascinating fabrics online.
I'll take one of each, please! (And also, hello, I'm the newest follower of your gorgeous blog!) Kellie xx
my pick is the cat. i can't get enough of it!
I wrote a strangely similar post when my husband and I first started our blog! And we have the Ikea pillow pictured in your beautiful post: http://www.makehappyblog.com/2011/02/24/pillow-talk/
We have the same rug - I like LOUD prints to go with it - here's a link to my pinterest board that has lots of pillows and other stuff that match the rug - http://pinterest.com/darcyt/downstairs-decorate/
Hope it helps!!
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