I don't usually wear jewellery, but I'm obsessed with wooden baubles at the moment. We've been
making all kinds of necklaces. Wood on white for me, and wood on neon pink for Fe. I need to run to
the craft store and get more baubles, because I want to make bracelets, too. And headbands! And
garlands. For Christmas. Oh yes. :)
Btw, I haven't posted that much lately, mainly because my creative vein pulses at 4:30 in the afternoon,
or at 8:30 in the morning, and at those times, in Finland, in November, it's pitch-dark outside... I hate
flash, so I haven't been able to/felt inspired to take pictures. Of the girls hiding in closets, building tents,
messing around with oatmeal sand, us dancing on glasses, jumping out of airplanes, etc. The usual. Also,
we've been on-and-off sick and spending a good portion of our days under big pink blankets on the
couch, drinking tea with honey, reading loads of books, and listening to choir music. In short:
I got so desperate with all the darkness that I bought an external flash. It can be pointed towards the ceiling and creates much softer light. I'm not crazy about using it though, but...november.
Cute necklace. I like how it's so neutral.
ich mag den Herbst auch gerne, mit seinen gemütlichen Tagen.
wenn du gerne Tee trinkst, ist vielleicht das Tee-Advents-Wichteln was für dich? :)
Bead me up. I'm so doing that...with neon. I must be so down with the kids!
Bead me up. I'm so doing that...with neon. I must be so down with the kids!
I love the neon one too ... now to find some beads like that so I can make one. Love it!
November was not my favorite month in Finland, don't mind the cold, but the darkness is sometimes else. Love your necklace, so inspiring. Sending you some 'sunshine' from here, thinking about you!
Mir gefällt die Form der Kette. Ich wollte sowas immer aus den Katzenharren machen :D. Aber ich glaube das würde meinen Hals nicht so sehr erfreuen. Egentlich bin ich ja allergisch auf Katzen - meint zumindest der letzte Allergie-Test. Die Haare sammel ich trotzdem und ir´gendwann filze ich sie zu kleinen Bällen zusammen und mache Schmuck daraus :D.
Sehr, sehr schön! Ich habe hier auch eine Tüte mit solchen Kugeln liegen, bin aber noch unschlüssig, was ich damit machen soll...
I also love those wooden baubles. And hate the darkness. Hope you get rid of the flue.
Wow, I really like the necklaces! So simple yet eye-catching.
entzückend. schlicht. schön. genial - danke :)
love the neon + wood ; )
loving this little glimpse into your colorful life!
Love the canvas - and the way it looks above the crib...
liebe dein Farbenfroehe Welt!
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