It is! Proof.
(Even the hub noticed the "neon" quality of German forests and dove into
a lengthy exposé on why Germans like techno music...
Yes, you are guessing right, it's because of the forests..
and also the smurfs.)
(All pictures were taken in and around the Black Forest).
PS Thank you for your sweet comments. I already feel much more "settled"
and "at home" than I did yesterday. It is, as some of you say:
home is where the heart is.
(And btw, Pam, I know the feeling. Too scary indeed.)
beautiful green, beautiful images...Welcome back.
I believe that the general light here in germany is different than it is for example in finnland. i saw it on my pictures i've taken here and in finnland. an i didn't change any light-options on the camera. yes the gras is really neon-green here :).
NH, interesting!!! (Und den 1. Okt hab ich mir notiert ;))
Beautiful greens!
It is one thing that I really miss living in the South. Green, the forest. Welcome back.
Glad to see you are feeling better. :) Beautiful pictures.
"Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering."
- Unknown
"Blossom where you are planted"
- Marion D. Hanks
Lovely greens!
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