It's August! That means fall in Finland. I usually become a bit melancholy in fall, but this year, I'm actually glad
it's here. We've been on the go, go, go all summer, and now I'm glad I get to stay indoors a little, clean and
organize the home, do some things that need to be done, get back into reality, while it rains on outside. We've been
getting our art and craft supplies out. Fe has been drawing for hours, every day.
We made this Indian feather headband together yesterday, using pieces of felt, a strip from an unused dress, and
some craft jewels we had lying around. It's nothing fancy obviously, it took ten minutes, but it made Princess
Jumping Cat very happy.
Can't go wrong with a felt crown/headress/headband!! She is one cute crafty girl!
Schön, wenn man mit so etwas einfachem eine große Freude bereiten kann!
Oh I love it ... think I may just have to give this a go and make some for my little girls!
Für Kinder sind doch eh immer die einfachsten Sachen die schönsten, oder? Zumindest so lang sie klein sind ;)
Wie alt ist Fe jetzt? Ich will ja auch ein Bastelkind haben und hoffe, meine kleine Tochter ist bald soweit ..
Liebe Grüße, Sindy
Schön geworden! Würde meiner Tochter auch Spaß machen!
Princess Jumping Cat is sure cute! I love the colour choices here.. And I see, even if it took 10 minutes, it looks very intricate with gluings, and double leaves.. very cute! Ah, pls don't say Fall.. I barely got to enjoy summer vacation! And now, back into my windowless office.. : ( I hope summer stays with us a bit longer.. : )
Go for Indian Princess Jumping Cats :)
(Und die Weltkarte im Hintergrund, verrätst du mir, woher die ist?)
Liebste Grüße & ein schönes Wochenende euch!
I love this series! :) it's so nice to come visit your blog again.
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