People, friends, women of the earth! I've found it! The best chocolate cake recipe ever.
3 dl all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
2 dl cocoa (the real 99.9% kind)
3 dl sugar
2 dl brown sugar
3 dl dark chocolate chunks/chips (at least 70% cocoa)
2 dl melted butter
4 eggs
1. Mix the dry ingredients. Mix the wet ingredients. Mix them all together.
2. Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 25 minutes.
Eat while still warm.
This cake is ostentatiously called World's Best Chocolate Cake, but I must say, it might just be exactly that.
The secret are the melted chocolate chips, which give it a sort of souffle type moisture. Perfect.
It was so good that all of us ran around with the biggest smiles on our faces all night.
For more lovely Sweet Sunday recipes, go here and here.
* adapted and translated from here. (The original recipe adds 1 dl of espresso to the mix). First seen on pinterest.
PS. Update: MariLouise wanted to know what a dl is. My inner math genius/the internet tells me that
1dl = 0.422675284 US cups. I think this recipe is forgiving enough that if you just use 1dl = a half cup as a guide,
you'll be fine. :)
Phew. To check out more measuring unit loveliness, go here. I know you want to. :P
looks more than fantastic :) kept!
oh, der sieht wahrlich perfekt und richtig schön klitischig aus... und zu spät gibts beim sosü nicht, sonder genuss ohne hektik, also alles richtig gemacht :)
That looks so delicious! When you say wheat do you mean wheat does this also mean flour? I'm not sure we have wheat for sale in our shops?
Tracey, oh my goodness, yes! Wheat flour, of course. I read over it and thought something was missing... lol. I fixed it now, thanks. :)
So trying this one! Looks too good! Thanks for sharing.
Wait, does everyone know what a dl is except for me??
YUMMO ... Think that is just what I need with my cup of tea!!
looks yummy :)
Die sieht wirklich weltbest aus!! Liebe Grüße und danke für die Aufklärung. Ich wusste nicht, dass diese Himbeermeringue Pavlova heißt :) Julia
MariLouise, I'm sorry, I hadn't taken my American friends into account. (Don't you guys use, like, ready-made cake mixes in that part of the world :P).
1 dl = 100 ml. Which is exactly 0.422675284 US cups. :)
you are diabolical, love it.
The recipe sounds perfect and yoor cake looks delish! I might have to try this myself ;)
looks like something you can't go wrong with.
ohhh... du wirst es kaum glauben... aber ich kann den kuchen förmlich riechen. er sieht genauso fantastisch aus wie von meiner früheren wg-mitbewohnerin marjolaine aus frankreich. sobald wir den kuchen im ofen rochen, kamen wir alle (7ener-wg) aus unseren zimmern gekrochen. der kuchen war binnen weniger minuten weg - wurde noch warm verspeist. JAMMY!!!
lieb grüß dani
Schaut wahnsinnige lecker aus...!! Und wenn er dann auch noch Lächeln ins Gesicht zaubert - PERFEKT!! Wird ausprobiert ;-)) Sonnige Grüße
Was würde ich nicht alles dafür geben, da jetzt reinbeißen zu dürfen. Mh. Sieht so lecker aus!
Liebe Grüße, Sindy
I will so try this tomorrow!!
Looks really tasty. I guess I'd die for a piece of it right now, course chocolate is always good to make a woman happyer :).
Ah, excellent--thank you. I will just go put aside my ready-made cake mix box and instead pull out my .42 measuring cup. ;)
Gosh, it's looks exactly like I would picture the perfect chocolate cake!
I'll have to try this as soon as possible...
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