my mom. Very impromptu. But I just felt I had to go, and I am so glad I did.
I had a wonderful time with family and some friends, too. No children to take care of, just
us women telling stories until the wee hours of the night.

This is my grandfather Friedel. We spent five hours at his house, the house in which my mother and her sisters
grew up, and he told us stories of the old ones, old aunts who hid money under aprons, of great-great-great
grandfathers who ploughed fields with oxen - an old and a young one, of my grandma Walli giving birth in a garage
and the midwife falling asleep next to her. Of him falling off a scaffolding at work, the old kind made of wood,
and then sneaking out of the hospital through the window to have a beer. Of great great uncles who walked back
from the war (the first one, or the one before that, who knows) to keep an eye on the young soldiers billeted on
the attic in which he had hid all his money.
I could go on for hours. I love old stories belonging to old people. :)
Beautiful. You should document those stories somehow. Record them.
Die Geschichten sind toll - ja, aber das Grundstück... naja ;). Aber auf den Fotos sieht es gut aus! Das erinnert mich an die Fotos, die wir aus Moskau bekommen haben, da sah alles grün und freundlich aus. Die Realität konnte da nicht so ganz mithalten, aber viellicht sind meine augen ja auch einfach nicht so gut wie die Linse der Kameras ;).
Sounds absolutely magical.
Pam, I took a bunch of notes and will write those stories down for my children to read when they are older. :)
Nina, Schoenheit findet der Betrachter.
Kate, it was!
Also ich muss Nina rechtgeben, auf den Bildern siehts eindeutig besser aus ;)
Auch das du die Bilder deines Opa´s in schwarz-weiß abgelichtet hast, ist eindeutig vorteilhafter.
Es war schön euch mal wieder drücken zu können auch wenn es leider viiiiieeel zu KURZ war.
Dicken Bussi @ all
So happy for you!
I just love the last picture!
I came to say the same as shys, the last picture is lovely! I love that type of moments too and I like your spontaneous attitude :)
Oh how wonderful. That right there is what i think our short life is all about. Listening to others stories and creating our own.
Absolutely wonderful, that's all I can say <3
Tracey, I like that.
Ihr Hentschelweiber, seid ma nich so zickich. :P Und ja, es war zu kurz. aber wir kommen ja wieder!
That last picture is just fantastic.
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