Alright, we made pom-poms. They were kind of the thing when I was a child (hello, 80s!). Very easy to
make. Fe loved it. But once we had all those pompoms, we weren't quite sure what to do with them all.
A weird caterpillar to hang from the ceiling? A scarf? A headdress?
What does one do with pompoms? They are kind of stupid and fluffy. :D
I guess, sometimes the goal is the journey.
PS For a better instruction, and a better idea what to do with them.
haha, you crack me up!
- Paula.
Ein toller Pom-Pomspaß! Lg, éva
Ein toller Pom-Pomspaß! Lg, éva
Ein toller Pom-Pomspaß! Lg, éva
oh, gleich dreimal? wieso das denn? auf jeden fall eine kräftige aussage.
hihi, :)
looks like fun..we should make some
That's the most ingenius way to make pom poms I've ever seen. And the cutest model too. Kellie xx
Habe ich letztens auch gebastelt - für die Miezen. Aber auch sie wussten nicht wirklich was damit anzufangen :). Meine Oma hat noch welche aus unserer Grundschulzeit bei sich in der Küche hängen.
thats the easiest way I have ever seen to make pom poms ... think I know what we will be doing this afternoon!!
Dear Isa,
My daughter Saskia LOVED it!!! I guess we'll be doing pom-poms this evening.
Saskia is so much more into DIY than I am. Now she's undesrstood that mommy's a hopeless case, so she took things into her own tiny hands.
She goes to the village library, takes books on DIY, then chooses her model, writes a list of things to be bought in DIY store and then I do the shopping. After she indulges in hours of crafting.
Hugs from Switzerland
Oh...so sweet!! Super süß!
Thank you Isa for the visit in my little Blog-World. I´m glad you like my work! :)
Saludos! xxx
ohhhhhh... i want to try these!!!! thanks!
Fun! I am definitely testing this with my 3 year old. And yes I remember it from the 80's too ; )
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