17 May 2010

big girl

Tell me, when did Fé get so gigantic?! Ever since Sisie was born, she feels and looks so much bigger to me, somehow. I swear she has grown by a whole meter... Her legs stretch on for miles, her hands and feet are HUGE, and her head feels so hard somehow, all of a sudden. She was always my little baby, and now, within a few weeks, voilà, she is a big girl. A big girl who tells me it's time for her to go to kindergarten, as all the other kids do. Help! I want to stop time!


Nina said...

Das einzigst positive was mir zum Thema Kindergarten einfällt ist, dass wir uns kennengelert haben. Der Rest ist nicht erwähnenswert. Aber da sieht man mal, wie schnell die Zeit wirklich vorbei gegangen ist. Ich wette unsere Eltern erinnern sich noch ganz genau an diese Zeit :).

lilla a said...

I now! I had exactly the same thoughts after our little brother came. She is beautiful.

Isa said...

NH, ja, an unseren Kindergarten hab ich nun wirklich keine guten Erinnerungen. Das war echt furchtbar da.
Wenn Fe 4 ist, werde ich sie aber schicken. Allerdings in einen Montessori/ Waldorf Kindergarten. Und auch nur nach intensiven Kennenlernen der Kindergartenlehrerinnen und Kindergartenguppe.
Zum Glueck sind die Lehrerinnen aber hier in Finnland echt alle lieb, also da mach ich mir gar keine Sorgen. Alles ist nicht perfekt in Finnland, aber das Ausbildungssystem fuer Kinder ist wirklich einsame spitze. :)

lilla a, I'm glad I'm not the only one! She really feels like a giant all of a sudden. :D

ieva jansone said...

:-D) no, you're definitely not the only one who experience these sensations! i can remember feeling the same as anabel was born :)
but she looks so adult on the last picture!

as to kindergarten and (what it's called in english?) krippe - it depends, really. i had quite bad memories from my own kindergarten, i hated it. so i thought i'd never send my children to kindergarten. but then .. i did (ok, it was a bit "alternative" craddle (?)), jonathan started with 1,8 year. and anabel started with 8 months. and it was fine. real good.

mäemamma said...

She's a cutie! And her jacket is the same green as my rain coat ;-) I never go veggie shopping wearing it cause my hubby might lose me near the salad sections.

But yes, I remember when our Nr 2 came along. The first one was only 17 months old, but suddenly seemed so big. No wonder the first borns tend to be responsible and independent - maybe we unconciously push them...

ireneH said...

Isa und NH, also sooo schlecht war es in eurem KIGA nun auch wieder nicht, es gab auch ganz tolle Zeiten. Und ob wir uns noch an diese Zeiten erinnern, nicht wahr Conni ;) aber am allerliebsten erinnere ich mich an eure Ballettzeit, ihr ward (und seid es ja auch immer noch) soooooo süüüß. Und nun liebe Isa, merkst du es ja schon selber an Fe´ wie schnell die Lieben groß sind.

Trula said...

This happened to me, too. Thinking that my elder daughter was huge. Well, after a while it passed and now I can marvel how small they both are, really. By the way, thank you for your lovely comment. I sew at night, when everyone is sleeping. Waking up in the morning I tell myself that I have to stop, but then comes evening...

Isa said...

Ieva, yes, I'm thinking of an alternative one, too. We have a Montessori close-by that some of the neighbor kids go to and love. Then there's also a German kindergarten in downtown Helsinki... Hmm.

Sirja, yes, I think we push them a bit. I notice it with Fé... I try not to, but it happens.

Irene, na ja, ich hab nicht viele gute Erinnerungen, aber Balletzeit war super. Schade, dass wir doof waren und aufgehört haben!

Trula, I'm glad to hear that it passes. Because, like you said, they are both still so incredibly small. As to sewing at night... hats off! Amazing! (I'm way too lazy for that myself ;)