One day, you wake up, and your baby is not a baby any more, not even a little bit.
But a real girl. A crazy one. Who loves Legos. And food.
(Her face is like a map of food remnants.)
So lovely! (But isn't it just unfair, this all-of-a-sudden-change? My baby has become a real boy lately and in some way it breaks my heart, even though that sounds pretty soppy.)
isn't it beautiful? although a little sad, too. my boy is 16 months and still very much a baby, but the toddler is coming out more and more every day. i love it, but ooo i love his baby moments, too. sweet photos. : )
Ich liebe diesen Übergang ins Kleinkindalter! Babys sind zwar niedlich und so und ja es ist auch schön, wie sie jeden Tag etwas dazu lernen und glucksen und sabbern. Aber Kleinkinder sind der Hammer. Wenn sich der Charakter langsam bilden und sie ihre Gedanken in Worte packen. Sooo schön. Letztens als ich Bauchschmerzen hatte: Sie:"Mama tut Dir der Bauch weh?" Ich: "Ja." Sie: "Tut Dir der Bauchnabel auch weh, ganz sehr?" Ich: "Mh, ja, glaub schon." Sie: "Ach, das kenn ich .." So schön :)
I've got a little boy who's turning 22 months and I'd say the same as you... no baby anymore... isn't that great and a little bit sad, all at once? I've just discovered your blog via the "world's best chocolate cake recipe" wich I tried today after a very bad "batlle with Felix's flu" night... I've posted it on my blog with a link to yours of course. I'm very glad I've discovered your family and beautiful picture. I'll be back soon ! Cécile (Brussels- Belgium)
Oh my god Isa, she's still a baby!!!. I think the exact same thing when I look at my nine year old (down to the food on her face and loving lego). Enjoy every blessed minute. Gxx
Aw.. Yes. So true! And when you wake up and realize this and see it in their eyes and the way they talk and act, you get a lump in your throat and an ache in your heart and want time to stand still. For oh so much longer.. She's a real beauty your 'baby'.
ja und genau so muss es sein :D
bissl verrückt, bissl schmutzig, bissl frech und keck aber überglücklich.
So lovely!
(But isn't it just unfair, this all-of-a-sudden-change? My baby has become a real boy lately and in some way it breaks my heart, even though that sounds pretty soppy.)
Ui das letzte Bild - hehe - ne da ist sie definitiv kein kleines knuffiges Baby mehr. Eher schon ein freches Mampf-Monster ;).
I know!
she is great!
It's time for a new one:)
haha. Well. :D I rather enjoy not having a baby any more. I really love toddlers, they crack me up.
Those eyes!!
I know the feeling :D Leni has started making jokes. (Without talking.)
Wow she has got big! x
isn't it beautiful? although a little sad, too. my boy is 16 months and still very much a baby, but the toddler is coming out more and more every day. i love it, but ooo i love his baby moments, too. sweet photos. : )
Ich liebe diesen Übergang ins Kleinkindalter! Babys sind zwar niedlich und so und ja es ist auch schön, wie sie jeden Tag etwas dazu lernen und glucksen und sabbern. Aber Kleinkinder sind der Hammer. Wenn sich der Charakter langsam bilden und sie ihre Gedanken in Worte packen. Sooo schön. Letztens als ich Bauchschmerzen hatte:
Sie:"Mama tut Dir der Bauch weh?"
Ich: "Ja."
Sie: "Tut Dir der Bauchnabel auch weh, ganz sehr?"
Ich: "Mh, ja, glaub schon."
Sie: "Ach, das kenn ich .."
So schön :)
Liebe Grüße, Sindy
I've got a little boy who's turning 22 months and I'd say the same as you... no baby anymore... isn't that great and a little bit sad, all at once?
I've just discovered your blog via the "world's best chocolate cake recipe" wich I tried today after a very bad "batlle with Felix's flu" night... I've posted it on my blog with a link to yours of course.
I'm very glad I've discovered your family and beautiful picture. I'll be back soon !
Cécile (Brussels- Belgium)
Oh my god Isa, she's still a baby!!!. I think the exact same thing when I look at my nine year old (down to the food on her face and loving lego). Enjoy every blessed minute.
just found you. happy!
I know, I feel the same right now about my little one. She's looking more and more like a little girl...sigh...
Yes true - but somehow I think they can always be our babies.
Aw.. Yes. So true! And when you wake up and realize this and see it in their eyes and the way they talk and act, you get a lump in your throat and an ache in your heart and want time to stand still. For oh so much longer.. She's a real beauty your 'baby'.
She may not be a baby anymore but what a gorgeous girl she is.
beautiful photos of a beautiful little girl.
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