The kids have been doodling on the blackboard wall, and I have been doodling
on cheap china. So much fun. I need to do it more. More patiently.
That strange animal thing on the blackboard is a chicklet that Fe drew called "Flygg."
It inspires me immensely. I don't have the heart to wipe it off.
Also: Yes! Yes to life, and lists, and getting things done. And friends, too.
Happy weekend (again).
PS I hear it's Father's Day in most countries that I know (not here, though). Still:
Happy Father's Day.
Das Huhn ist ja großartig!
ich liebe das farbenspiel von schwarz und weiß :) ein tolles wochenende!
I like your doodling. Reminds me of the new Marimekko siirtolapuutarha plates. They are so cool!
Some comments to your previous text- We have also the strong will stage. And Jude is with my mom so it's just us and Riki. He's impossible. I'm thinking: where did my sweet easy baby disappear. But he's developed a lot and still learning. I need to be a good example :)
Toller Teller... Haste gut gemacht!!! Sonnige Grüße
ich musste auch an marimekko denken und find's klasse! geh mal in produktion ... :)
Hey ...we need more of that cheao China art. We could use it! I love the idea. and have been meaning to copy the idea. Looks awesome!
I love your plate doodling, so cool. You know it is my birthday in just a week..hint, hint. Do you have any plans coming to Turku in July, I'll be there with the girlies, would be great to see you as well!
Ein großartiger Teller!!!!
Und die Zeichnung von deiner Tochter ist auch so schön!
i l-o-v-e the sunflower. that plate looks almost like the marimekko "siirtolapuutarha" ones.
oh, just like ellu said! :D
Lovely! "Flygg", the black and white, and your doodles ... beautiful!
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