Everybody, and I mean, everybody, should wear a rainbow colored wig from time to time.
No really, try it.
I mean, come on woman, you are missing out:
Wear a clown wig! Put on some color! Stop frowning!
Be a child again! Play! Enjoy life!
(And a thank-you to our neighbor friends for all the Friday fun!)
A happy, childish, colorful weekend to you all!
(I'm off to my girl's night. Woo. Maybe I'll take the wig.)
PS. In a poppyfield.
...silly woman! life's too short to be a miserable old witch!
Have fun tonight!
x claire
ha ha ha... so toll... die bilder zaubern mir ein lächeln auf die lippen!!! ich hab so ne perücke in schwarz. steht paul auch bombig ;)
UND: du hast SOOOO RECHT!!! ich verstehe auch nicht, wie man sich immer nur beschweren kann. und meist sind es wirklich genau DIE, die null kreativ sind, nichts lustiges machen... sondern eben nur am rumnörgeln sind.
toller post!
So cute clown. One picture of the pirate here, please!
Part of the playhouse mess was from us, sorry old grumpy lady. You should suggest her to try the fairy wings, if not in the Citymarket, at least in the playground.
<3: Relaxed mom from the neighbor
I LOVE these photos! I want to copy you and get a rainbow wig now. That cranky lady doesn't know what she's missing.
This is just too cute. Your girls with the rainbow wig! About that miserable woman, oh gosh, i can't stand rude people!
ich glaube, deine kinder können einfach nur glücklich sein (und sind es wohl auch, nach den fotos) - mit regenbogenperücken und allem, was will man mehr!
how come you didin't bring the wig?!!
it was lovely to see you Isa! you are special!
haha! I need a rainbow wig too!
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