We are getting ready for Juhannus, the Finnish summer solstice celebration.
Making pies and salads and Karelian pastries... playing hide-and-seek in the closet....
a quick lunch... taking an afternoon nap... a traditional Finnish sauna (although at home,
not in the woods)...
... and a party or two in the evening!
Hyvää juhannusta!
Happy midsummer!
thanks for cropping.
I like to party as well... but there is nothing to celebrate. Wait... next week there will be a big celabration at my grandmothers 70th bithday. Till than I'll finish my investigation cards hopefully. That would save me some money for stams ;).
This makes me miss Finland so much! Just the way life should be. :)
Have a good one. I made a crumble tonight. Made me think about this!
Tracey x
der kuchen sieht lecker aus, die vorfreude klingt überall heraus und eine sauna daheim ... hätte ich auch gerne :) fröhlichen mittsommer!
was für schnuckelige bilder. und ich würd am liebsten meinen finger in den teig stecken - ich liebe es teig zu schlecken!!! JAMMY
gruß dani
fantastische bilder. ich würde gerne jetz in der sauna sitzen , kalt ist es hier geworden. liebe grüße, éva
Lots of yummy goodness! Happy midsummer to you! Wait a minute, our summer only just started.. why is it called mid-summer? I need to google.. : )
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