So, this is it, our blackboard wall. Needless to say, we love it.
I love it, the kids love it, the husband LOVES it, too (yay!), although he
wasn't so sure when he saw me starting the project. It already feels
like it has been part of our family forever. I can't believe it's taken me
this long to convince J. (But oh right, I didn't! I just painted it.
Sometimes that's what it takes.)
Well, I see a lot of fun ahead.
I reiterate my former point: Everybody needs a clown wig.
But also: Everybody needs a blackboard wall.
(And now I need to go before they take apart the house. You cannot believe
what these two have been up to lately.)
Doch kein Rorschachtest ;-). Sieht wunderschön aus!
Nice wall. Our blackboard is no longer that much used because K eats the chalks. But it's good place to make lists (and lists are what I love).
Se you on Friday.
ps. Sisie is great!
I've been thinking about buying a white board, but a black one doesn't sound too bad either. I have a couple of questions about it though:
-where did you buy this black board?
-how easy is it to take away/ erase (if you move away from the apartment or don't want it anymore)?
Cecilia, it's blackboard paint, from for example Tikkurila available at Bauhaus, and it's painted directly onto the wall. Like with any paint color, you'll have to paint white over it if/when you don't want it anymore.
Perfect. Glad to hear he did come round in the end. He just had to, right?
Sisie has grown so much!!!
(and I think I have a clue...)
Wow, wunderschön!! Keine Fragen, dass das den Kindern gefällt. Welches Kind hätte nicht auch eine Wand, an der man nach Herzenslust malen kann?
Und ja, ich kann mir lebhaft vorstellen, zu was 2 so kleine Rabauken in der Lage sind. Ich hoffe, Du konntest das Haus retten!
Liebe Grüße, Sindy
Ganz tolle Fotos finde ich! Du hast gute Augen ;-)
Oh LOVE it! and WANT it!
looks perfect. how come i've had that can of blackboard paint unopened for three years??
Himmel wie die Zeit vergeht, sind die Süßen groß geworden. Kommt ihr auch nächste Woche nach Deutschland?? LG irene
Love mine. It's the best!
Sissi's got hair - finally :). Super sweet when they start looking like a child instead of a baby :).
i love the wall. i have been wanting tot do the same thing somewhere in my house. maybe one of the twin's rooms???
deine kinder sehen wild und wunderbar aus :) wir haben übrigens einen ramponierten kindertisch mit tafellack bestrichen – das ist auch super, zb zum straßen drauf malen und autos fahren lassen oder einfach am tisch sitzen, malen ohne papier :)
I'm totally going to copy this when Will is older. How fun!
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