Hello, hello, hello! I had a great weekend... I am still recovering... what, it's
Wednesday already, you say?
I am in a good mood today. It's warm outside (27 C, that's 80 F) and although we
can't go outside much, except for a quick dip into the backyard in the evening (flu),
I'm still so happy just knowing it's warm and sunny outside. I love summer!
I am a summer person through and through and I don't want it to end, ever!
(I'm always depressed in the autumn because it's over).
I had a lovely weekend with my girlfriends (you can see some pictures of our night here).
Sisie went to bed without problems, according to my husband; unfortunately she didn't stay
asleep without problems... so, at this point, she is still very much nursing the nighttime away,
and I still very much want it to end, but not enough to do something drastic about it, really.
And so the sleepless nights continue. For now.
But well, I wanted to show you some more pictures of the play shed I talked about earlier.
It's such a happy place. And girly. And pretty.

Isn't it lovely?
You can see more pictures of the play shed in this earlier post.
Love the first picture - adorable!
I love the play shed! Good you got to go out.....I have the same issue here...my 16month old still nurses the night away (and day for that matter). It does bug me, but I still can't give it up just yet! Get well soon :)
27°? I'm in the wrong place.
But, however, glad you had a lovely weekend, it's so good to break out of the daily grind sometimes, isn't it?
Nice tempratures and nice play shed!
I love your yellow dress!
I never there to wear this color!
Keep the vibre of summer a live! ;-)
Schönes Kleid! Genießt den Sommer!
Wir hatten das nächtliches Milchproblem auch. Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass ein Getreidebrei abends leichte Abhilfe geschafft hat. Aber im Endeffekt hilft nur Geduld und Abwarten! Und irgendwann vermisst man es ja doch ;)
Viele Grüße, Stine
Thank Fe for the letter. In the fall it's HopLop time!
Summer is the best! But in the summertime (and quite often in the winter also...) I'm overloaded of all the things I would like to do. Theme for me this summer is to RELAX!
Hope you feel better soon.
Ja, ich liebe den Sommer auch! Tolles Foto wieder mal!
so nice first picture!
That is such an incredible play shed!! Wow! Can Keira and I come over to play? ; ) I love love love that first photo..
it is! every little girl's dream.
i loooove that first pic! and also any mökki with a chandelier.
perfect play shed.
wie schön! dein wochenende klingt super und das spielhaus ... ich bin neidisch. wie gern hätte ich sowas als kind gehabt ... und wie gern nun für meine kinder :) schönes foto auch oben von dir und deiner tochter. viele grüße und weiterhin einen schönen nie-endenden sommer ...
Hi Isa!
Thanks for your lovely words, it's my turn to visit your WOW amazing blog. I ❤ !!! I'll be back... :D
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