My mom knitted this. Isn't it pretty. It was supposed to be a bodysuit for newborns in Ethiopia (she's working on that as a project with teenage girls in Church.) It turned out a bit big, so she made a pullover out of it for Sisie. And I was so inspired that I knitted, too. This most impressive of scarves:

Well, the topsy-turvy half of it. Haha, how is it so hard for me to figure this out? Everyone knits and I simply can't do it. I am the worst knitter in the history of knitting! But I shall keep calm and knit on. And in the meantime, Pippi's horse Old Man has something to keep him warm. (Yes, it's still very much winter here, although Finns will tell you it's spring. It's not.)

PS So many people asked about the rainbow cake: There is a bunch. of. tutorials. out. there.
I simply used a very basic sponge bottom cake recipe (eg here), timed it by six, added food coloring to each layer, and added whipped cream at the end. The end.
Haha! I can relate to this because every few years I decide I'm going to learn to knit or crochet or something, and I always give up. It seems so simple, and yet I just can't do it!
Christina, I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one. Maybe knitting isn't for true geniuses like us. ;)
Sweet sweet photo.. I can only knit one super long scarf. I don't really do it right either. I just wing it. I just stare at my mom and try to imitate her.. She used to be a knitting wizard. Your pony looks very happy with her new pink scarf though! heehee!
i remember my bad knitting days! i was as bad as you or worse. ;) about two yeras ago i decided i'll learn to knit a sock. i kept thinking that i can't be too stupid for knitting a sock. and now it's true, i'm not! my knitting still looks a bit bumpy, but at least i can enjoy it nowadays. maybe you, too, need just a proper basic tutorial and a little bit of autosuggestion. :)
Chantale, that's right! At least the pony is happy, hehe. :)
Heli, that's what I keep thinking: I can't be this stupid!!! My problem is, I think, that I have zero patience. Flimsy yarn, mistakes, too fat fingers to hold the yarn... etc. As the wise women of yore have said (for they must have): You must learn patience first, and knitting next.
What a beautiful sweater! And so lovely that this dear horse now has a scarf to wear. (:
Keep it up, it gets easier after you want to pull out your hair a few times! I always first get frustrated when I am winding the yarn into a ball and it's tangled and takes me two hours to do.
In unserer Strickrunde hat so mancher über meine "Künste" gelächelt und du zeigst ganz stolz mein viel zu gross gewordener Body. Es kommt also nur auf die Sichtweise des Betrachters an :)
bzw. auf das Fotomodel
@isa: Vielen Dank für diese WUNDERSCHÖNEN Fotos eurer Jüngsten einfach nur GOLDIG und Himmel wie die Zeit vergeht :D
@conni: Ich finde deine Strickkünste wunderschön ;) ich weiß garnicht ob ich sowas noch hinbekommen würde - lol-
Stacie, 2 hours just to wind yarn into a ball? Dear me, I don't think I'll ever be patient enough for this! :D
Mama, sei mal net so bescheiden. Wer da noch lacht, der darf sich mal meine Gurke ansehen. ;)
Irene, :) Und ja, Zeit vergeht. 11 Monate ist sie schon.
You crack me up! Every toy horse needs a scarf.
Love the sweater! A dear friend of mine knitted Will a sweater and it's one of my favorite things of his. I nice putting something on your child that was made with 100% love.
Your little girl looks like a supermodel in this picture! and the little horse sure needs a scarf to survive the cold Finnish days! You crack me up!!
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