Some birthday party pics. I didn't take many, because I had too much fun playing. And the food was eaten before I had a decent chance to photograph it. That's how it should be, right?
(Fe and I made all of the food and the decorations together. The rainbow cake, which was a huge hit with the 4-year old crowd btw, and the gingerbread cookies. The "angry-Pippi" invitations (which we never sent because I'm unorganized like that), the gigantic socks that hung over the entry door.)
Upon entering, the kids were welcomed aboard the Hoppetossa, Efraim's Longstocking's pirate ship. We went on a treasure hunt to Taka-Tuka land (the South Seas) and had to watch out for the mad pirate (= dad). The kids found sockerdricka (lemonade that grows in Pippi's backyard tree) and Negerkuesse (a politically incorrect brand-name for chocolate marshmallows). We had a spaghetti beard competition. Well, we tried to. The only child willing to do it was Fe. The others thought it was "disgusting." Haha. I then tried to get them to jump from furniture, but they all stared up at me in horror, unsure whether I was crazy or not. Haha, again. Such well raised kids! Well, scrubbing the floors on scrubbies was more successful. (Pippi cleans her house like that). We drew birthday pictures on a big piece of chalkboard for Fe. The rest of the time was spent eating and playing with Legos (yes, Legos. I think they may have been too young for a themed party, after all.)
Anyway, we had a lot of fun. Fe sure did. And now she is 4 years old and I'm trying to figure out where all that time has gone.

Happy Birthday to Fé! Wonderful cake.
mensch sieht das alles toll aus! ein klasse genialer superduba geburtstag. da kann ich nur alles gute und liebe nachträglich wünschen. da wär ich gern dabei gewesen und mein sohn hätte es geliebt!
du bist ne tolle mama - wirklich!
I love the socks hanging outside :), Fe's costume and the fact that she did so many preparations with you <3
that cake is gorgeous. i thought baking something like that would drive one crazy, but it didn't, did it? (i'm in a middle of 5th birthday party planning...)
!!!! This looks AWESOME! The rainbow cake turned out beautifully (I recognize it from your pinterest) and it all sounds like SO much fun. Good work! Why don't you come on over here and plan Isobel's big Number Four in October! :)
Happy Birthday Fé!
My Outlook-Calender reminded me of her bithday, but as everything else that happens between September and April I just didn't found the time to give it the attention it deserved. But luckylie April isn't that far away any more.
Where did you found the cake? Like the coloursof it!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch Fè!!
Als Kind wäre ich absolut begeistert von dieser Wahnsinnsfeier! Wer nicht den längsten Spagetthibart haben möchte, ist selbst schuld...
Als Mama bin ich still und stumm vor Hochachtung. Ich bin sehr beeindruckt, was Du alles auf die Beine gestellt hast - so witzig und liebevoll. Toll. Bela wäre sicher auch gerne Gast gewesen . auch wenn bei ihm grade Ritter und Piraten höher im Kurst stehen ... ist ja auch noch nicht vier ...
Nochmal: Klasse Party! Tolle Mama! Süsse Langstrumpf-Tocher.
What a colourful birthday! Hip hip hooray and happy four, Fe!
This looks like such a beautiful and fun birthday party. And Pippi Longstocking is such a wonderful theme to choose!
Thank you everybody for the lovely comments. I was wondering whether I should even post these pictures because. So thanks. :)
Heli, the cake was the easiest cake I've ever baked. Just your favorite sponge bottom recipe (I use 3 eggs in a glass, and the same amount of sugar and flour), and food colors. (I had an idea to use natural colors, but they didn't turn out as neon (terrible I know) as I wanted.) Plus whipped cream. It's the type of cake Fe likes best (no "yucky fruit stuff", hehe).
NH, na selbst gemacht!
Soisses und Annabella, haette eure Jungs gern dabei gehabt! :)
(Wobei ich jetzt sagen muss dass Fe nur 5 Kinder einladen durfte, sonst haette ich die Raeuberbande nicht kontrollieren koenen... Kinderparties immer klein haltn, so lange man's noch kann!)
your favorite sponge bottom recipe times 6. :)
Wow, that must have been one awesome party! You're the best! I especially love the socks hanging outside. And of course the cake.
And the kids wouldn't jump from furniture? Unnatural behavior, I'd say. :) O at least practices it every day at home.
this post made me smile!
Big time.
me too!!!
You are one of the coolest mums i know. That cake looks awesome!!
super schöne Fotos, und diese Regenbogentorte einfach toll wusste garnicht das du so kreativ bist ;) na da hat sich Fé aber gefreut :)
What a super awesome 4th birthday party!! That cake is the bomb.. You ARE the coolest mom in the world!
Die Fe war so glücklich über ihre tolle Party. Hast du wirklich sehr schön gemacht!
Oh happy belated birthday to Fé!
Great cake. Great pics! Happy Birthday Fe!
You are right...they are almost to the day the same age! That makes me smile. Maybe in a few years they will be pen pals! When does Fe have to start school? Kitty has to start this September :(
Happy 5th Fe! Love the cake. x
i love the cake!!! i must try that out some time this year, maybe for my own birthday :).
looks like the party was a success!
oh my gosh, really the flour on the floor was enough to make me wish you were my own mother- but this, oh my word- TOO AMAZING!
xo em
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