Pictures from Strasbourg (France).
I am still fascinated by doors and windows... especially old ones. Can you tell. What lies behind them? Who's lived there over the centuries...? Who lives there now?
We were in the Old Town part of Kaiserswerth in Germany (sorry no pics, as I didn't take my camera), and we walked through a little alley... they had a monastery there, an old church... and then, behind a big oak, you could see into the courtyard of an old brick house from a time gone past... and there, in the middle of it, were two little children with their tricycles, chasing their dad, and the mom was sitting a little ways off on a wooden chair, smiling and watching the scene. Such sacred happiness! And it is all safely guarded by the houses we call home.
Unglaublich, dass ihr so nah bei uns wart!
Ihr seid ja quasi um uns herum gekreist :)
Du hast ja einen schönen Blog! Trag ich mich sofort als regelmäßige Leserin ein.
snygg, jetzt bin ich aber neugierig, wo wohnt ihr denn? (Ich dachte BERLIN?!).
Roboti, oh danke! Ebenso! :)
Wie kommst du denn auf Berlin?
Ganz falsche Richtung - noch für etwa 6 Wochen sind wir direkt an der französischen Grenze :)
I'm also obsessed with windows & doors. Some lovely shots you have there!
Wunderschöne Fotos!!! Ich mag Türen und Fenster auch gerne...
Hallo! Superschöner Blog! Welches Foto ist denn aus Heidelberg? Ich bin dort geboren...Wohne jetzt aber viel südlicher in D...;-) Liebste Grüsse aus München, Constanze
Ah, Isabell! You are such a good photographer. I love these.
Wow, great shots! Love all the textures.. These homes certainly have more character than the ones here. And a charming little girl amongst all these! : )
Such beautiful windows and doorways! Nice compositions too!
When I was still a child, I loved to sit by the windows for hours to watch the people doing at their home through their windows. The facade of windows looks like a kaleidoscope to me :)
Till now I still love windows, especially at night ... different colors of lighting in different intensities, even windows in total darkness ... so many stories behind them ... so fascinating!
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