We've been outside, outside, outside every chance we get. We've been hanging out with
friends a lot lately, too. I'm so glad that dreary long winter is over!
Here we are playing frisbee late in the evening in the park (it was 9 pm,
the sun was just beginning to set... oh, how I love the long days of Finnish summer!).
I received such a lovely e-mail yesterday from Maria from Portugal. She sent over a
few links to blogs she likes to read, and I am so enamored with them that I just had to
share them with you:
Moka (a collection of kids art work) and
Karen Barbé (a textile designer's blog).
Maria has a delightful blog, too, where she finds the most inspiring images from across the
web, from for example this lovely blog). Definitely go check out her blog here.
She also let me know about a fun pop-up card contest at Mr. Spoqui. Fe and I will
try to participate. Entry deadline is the 20th of July.
Thank you, Maria, for all the links!
I'd like to wish you all a happy weekend, but I might pop in tomorrow, so see you later!
What! Is it that green in Finland already. Oh you made me miss that country now.
Didn't you say the grass was greener in Germany? So, there's the proof: it's not true. (But, jeez, how cold is it at yours?)
I'm reading your blog in my google reader and there's a PS about moving to Cologne ... the PS isn't visible here ... weird ... but I like how you keep the biggest news for a PS! That's exciting news isn't it? I know you've been missing germany so hoorah! Annemarie
ohh! I'm so glad you like it Isa! :) you're welcome! (PS_ I post some of your photos on my blog)
deine bilder - sie sehen immer wunderschön aus. ich brauch nachhilfe... haste zeit?
Wow! I can't believe it's 9 p.m. in these photos! I assumed, from the light, that the sun was just rising, not setting. Amazing. Though I do remember having awfully long days in Germany in the middle of the summer (not this early), like hearing kids playing soccer in the park at 10:00 p.m. as I was lying in bed, reading. Nice memory.
But wait. What's this rumor about Köln??
So schöne Bilder! Aber ich kann nicht glauben, dass ihr Jacken und Mützen tragt! Ich habe meinen Sohn heute mit kurzer Hose und T-Shirt zur Kita gebracht. Leider fehlt uns so eine grüne Wiese vor der Tür... Der Moka-Blog ist übrigens direkt in mein Lesezeichenliste gewandert. Tolle Ideen. Grüße aus Berlin, Stine
Die Bilder sind wunderschön, wie immer!
Aber sag, wie warm ist es bei Euch gerade? Die Bilder sehen zwar nach Sommer aus, aber die Kleidung der Kinder weniger.
Liebe Grüße und viel Spaß beim Genießen des Sommers, Sindy
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