Scenes from around the kids room this afternoon:
I found a place for Fe's canvas, above Fe's bed, yay, I'm happy.
Fe drew a bird. Sisi drew circles, circles, circles.
Sisi is into books.
Favorite books: All the ones by Hannemari Ruohonen. (Thank you, Heli, for the introduction!)
I meant to make my own stick horses. For now the Citymarket ones work.
Fe is choreographing a dance where one only needs to move one's hands.
This lovely song by my friends' sister-in-law/sister is up for the Finnish Eurovision Song Contest
qualifiers. Go and click tykkään (like) if you like. :) I've had it on repeat all evening.
Happy happy Monday.
Oh, and Happy Halloween, too!
i LOVE the updates on the room.
What a happy monday indeed! I just love your blog and the photos and stories you share. SO beautiful.
Thank you :)
You should think about changing your make-up :).
thank you! :)
How fantastic is that painting - looks like you found the perfect place for it!
Love that last pic too!!
Thanks, I needed a load oh 'happy' after waking up a gazillion times during the night. This too will be a happy day. Hopefully.
Pics are gorgeous as always!
i'm smiling to and laughing to myself right now. it was the dancing hands that did it!
i want to paint a canvas with each child now. crayons on walls do not count.
Wunderschöne Bilder!!
Bei Euch würde ich auch gern mal einen Nachmittag mitspielen :)
Liebe Grüße, Sindy
looks like a very happy day :)
Ah! Bright, neon, cheery colours! I love love love..
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