Amusement park with friends, lots of cotton candy, happy toddler/cranky toddler, elated 4-year-old,
ecstatic mom = the husband is on vacation.
The next 3 weeks will be awesome. I'll share.
Happy Monday to all of you!
EDIT: what, it's Tuesday already? Happy TUESDAY!
This made me so happy.
Batgirl (via little.lovely)
Thank you Yanyan. :)
Ich mag das Bild mit den Riesenfüßen!
Isa, Isa, Isa, I LOVE YOUR PHOTOS!!!!!!
Gosh, you never stop inspiring me. I need to get my camera out! NOW.
BTW, do you use photoshop? I mean, I love the hue, please give some leads....
Sirja, Hi! :) And thanks. :) All of these pictures are taken with my iphone. Some are with the hipstamatic app. They come out just the way you see them. Most were taken with the Camera + app. I played with effects (to be specific, the Diana effect.)
It's pretty easy to get these hues with photoshop, too. You can either play with color curves (there are a bunch of tutorials online, if you google "analog effect in photoshop"), or use presets in Lightroom (although I haven't done the latter, just heard you can do it).
Good luck shooting! :)
OMG, incredible photos! I just love them.. I'd get an iPhone just to take instagrams too.
ps. Yes! We had so much fun at the Pinkarnaval and even spotted Jean Paul Gauthier in the crowd.. It was really fun and magical...
Oh nein, ein IPhone... ich hasse Apple seit ich mir den IPod gekauft habe. Dieses Mistding mit Songs zu füllen dauert Stunden nd dann sind sie nicht mal in der richtigen Reihenfolge - argh. Ich habe mich daher der Konkurrenz angeschlossen und bin begeistert von meinem HTC ;P.
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