20 August 2010

Day 20: A Bunch of Wild Flowers

... the wind is blowing colder, the wild flowers on the field are drying up... Fé is starting kerho (playschool) next week. Fall, fall is here! ( And some excitement, too, I must admit, about new starts, better tries, a new space.)


Henry said...

Ahhhhh, ich liebe Wildblumen, und besonders Kornblumen. Was man einfach so in der Natur findet, sind oft die schoensten Blumenstraeusse (meiner Meinung nach).

the sleepy time gal said...

playschool sounds much better than preschool-- are they the same?

Isa said...

focus on play, not school! :)

IPH said...

Unter den Wildblüten sind meine Lieblingsblumen die Kornblume und der rote Klatschmohn, sehr schön getroffen ;)