04 February 2011

Kinderzimmer III: Bunting


Earlier this week, I finally got around to hanging up the paper bunting I bought a while ago from Fryd & Design. I like these colors and patterns so, so much.


I also managed to hang up the felt ball garland I made for Fe last year. [And when I say "made" I mean I used a needle to push a thread through several store-bought felt balls. There is no easier DIY than a felt ball garland. Really. For a how-to, go, for example, here.]

The room... it's getting there... bit by bit (and the "loft" is, too...)

Talking of rooms, I saw t h e most beautiful little girl's room today. The lamps were made using spray-painted pieces of soda cans (!), and that's just the beginning. I'm still in awe. (Yes, I'm talking to you, S.)

Oh, and thank you, sweet Mima. :)

Happy weekend.


soisses-dasleben said...

die bällchen-girlande ist zuckersüß! ich möchte zu pauls geburtstag auch meine erste girlande zaubern. mal sehen... schöne einblicke - wie immer

d. said...

die girlanden sind toll! bin gerade dabei eine wimpelgirlande aus stoff für meinen kleinen zum ersten geburtstag (zum glück erst in einem monat:-)) zu basteln. ich liebe girlanden! und die bällchengirlande ist auch wunderschön!
liebe grüße, d.

the sleepy time gal said...

i love the garland. can't wait to see the final product!