I have a mastitis and fever, Sisi has the flu and fever, Fe has the flu without fever. Have I mentioned that I don't like
fall very much. We are taking it easy, snuggling up on the couch, watching this over and over again. My head hurts.
But oh, it's the best princess movie ever made, and with such ridiculous costumes!
(None of that impresses Sisi who just wants to lollop to music streaming from that little magic mirror I have called aifohn.)
Thanks for all the pillow-shopping and-sewing advice! Wow, I think I will indeed try and make my own pillows
(where do you get nice fabric?). Once I get better. I'll show you.
PS New blog crush.
Ohhhh I wish, you will get better soon...
what a sweet 1 photo....pure littel girl.
xxxx Agata
Hateful mastitis, go-go-go-away!
oh nooo! :( get well soon <3
Poor you - all of you. I had to look up mastitis... Does it show I don't have kids??? Hoping you'll feel better soon! Maybe some chocolate???
Gute Besserung euch allen! Trinkt viel heißen Tee mit Honig und esst Obst bis es euch zum Hals raushängt ;).
Oh you poor things :( Mastitis is awful. I have had it fairly recently too. You don’t expect it this far in, but it still strikes. Get well soon all of you x
on where to buy fabrics: you could try etsy. there's tons of... well, everything, as you know. but whenever i need a really fancy piece of fabric, i go to marimekko. get well & sewing soon!
Gute Besserung! Ich hoffe, ihr seid bald wieder gesund!
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