I received a blogging award from 50villapeikkoa, and I wanted to say thank you! It's a real honor
coming from her, because she is like everything I am not: an efficient and awesome knitter! I
tried knitting once, and well, let's just say, I didn't get very far. But I love looking at the knitting
creations of other people, and really enjoy the pictures on her blog. So thank you! :)
The rules for the Versatile Blog Awards are:
- Nominate 15 fellow bloggers.
- Inform the bloggers of their nomination.
- Share 7 random things about yourself.
- Thank the blogger who nominated you.
- Add the Versatile Blog Award picture on your blog post.
I know not everybody likes blogging awards, but I do like them, because they are what blogging
is all about: sharing! A lot of the blogs below I read and stalk and rarely to never comment on, so
here I'm sharing them with the world:
I'd like to pass on the award to these blogs, in alphabetical order:
is all about: sharing! A lot of the blogs below I read and stalk and rarely to never comment on, so
here I'm sharing them with the world:
I'd like to pass on the award to these blogs, in alphabetical order:
craft projects with kids.
- Manteli
Because she captures the everyday so beautifully.
- Moka
Because her children always make the coolest things.
- Oon
Because she has a way with color and patterns, and I think she should start selling kids clothes!
- Paju
Because her pictures are always full of patterns and texture.
- Ringo
- tila
Because she is living proof that there is elegance in a simple life.
- Trula
Because she makes me want to sew, badly!
Color therapy.
In case the blog owners see this: There is no pressure to show this award on your blog, or to pass it on, if you don't want to.
I just want to show my appreciation. :)
Oh, and then 7 random things about me:
- 1. In my ideal world, I'd have a house full of children, right by the sea, and it would be barefoot-running and pebble skimming, and pancake making, and sunshine and bliss all the time!
- 2. In real life, I barely manage to take out the trash, so maybe not.
- 3. Though I'm thinking, maybe another girl would be nice, someday; and a little boy. And twins on top of that.
- 4. As of yesterday, my husband is back in school and I'm happy and excited for him and for us, but also seething with jealousy. I'm so jealous that I'm seriously considering signing up for a pole dancing/cabaret strip class. Just so I have something exciting and new and slightly shocking in my life. Desperate Housewife much? (Edit: No worries, it's just a class with a silly name at my gym. No poles, and certainly no stripping. Too bad. :D)
- 5. So, I'm thinking it's time for me to go back to school, too. At least part-time. Maybe in fall. To study human rights law, like I always wanted. Or maybe Hebrew, that would be cool, or creative writing, or egyptology, or underwater basket weaving! You know. Something! Anything!
- 6. Hmm.. Can't I have a house full of children, and be a novelist, and have a PhD, and save all the women and children on earth, and live by the sea, all five?
- 7. I like to day-dream. :)
Thank you, 50villapeikko, for the award! And sorry that it took me a month to finally blog about it!
Thank you for sharing your favorite blogs! So much inspiration, so much to read! :)
Thank you for your kind words. You're an angel. x
Live is too short...
I love you blog because of honesty that you write about yourself and with a sort of humor which is really special ;-) ..and the beauty of looking at photos.
Thank you for links - I did know only 2 of them ;-/
Thank you Isa! I really enjoy your blog!
And as said, thanks for sharing the blogs you like -- I checked some and will more later.
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