You know, I read somewhere, a long time ago, and I can't remember where,
that Albert Einstein, when he was still a small child, poured milk all
over the kitchen floor. And his mother, instead of getting mad at him, said
something like: "Oh dear. Well, now that you've made the mess, we might as
well have fun in it!" And she went to get his rubber boots, and they spent most
of the morning splashing around in the puddle of milk in the kitchen.
So when I came down from upstairs (where I had been busy doing the laundry
and folding clothes, wasting time on facebook), and found these two, in the middle of a
heap of cornstarch, I kind of started laughing, and well, we ended up having a
cornstarch fight.
I'm not saying I'm Albert Einstein's mom.
best morning ever.
the laundry can wait.
Happy Monday!