I like the word fall. How fitting. The year falls to an end, the leaves fall, everything falls (softly). I am falling, too...
It was a beautiful day. Almost warm. We took a walk to "our" farm (again... are you tired of seeing pictures of sheep yet?!). We saw lots of mushrooms. And leaves. It's ruska-aika, the time of autumn-colored leaves. We had a picnic, we hung out with friends. We got cranky on our way home (every outing must end with crankiness or it isn't a real outing). We came home and drank a cocoa (with oat milk and thick chocolate syrup).
Dear Fall, yes, I'm falling for you. :)
Super schöne Fotos ;)
Besonders gefallen mi das mit dem Schaaf und deine zwei Mädels, die sind ja soooo süß.
Autumn light is incredible...and in Finland especially, as I can see :)
Pictures and stories from your world always make my mind relax.
I use to be cranky before going out and yes sometimes after it. Think that has to be like this becouse otherwise the adventures wouldn't be special any more.
IPH, danke. Das Schaf sagt Määääh. :)
Katarina, on the days that the sun is out, the light is incredible! I want to soak it all up and go swimming in it (a lake of light, now that would be something)!
NH, exactly!
Wunderschöne Aufnahmen! Schöne Frühlingstage wünsche ich Euch, Éva
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